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Most of you might already know what's mental health, it is basically a level of emotional & pyschological wellbeing. Mental health issues could be critical. It may affect what a person thinks, how they feel or even act. Eventually it may lead to suicide...... 

 World Health Organization (2017). age-standardized suicide rates (per 100000 population), both sexes, 2015. [image] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jan. 2018].


We are aware of the unfair trivialisation towards mental health in Asia and want to do something about it. We want to make a platform for Asian people who feel as if they can't discuss about their mental illnesses. We want to give them a space to open about their experiences, to receive hope that they're not alone and they're not the only ones going through whatever they're going through. 


We also want to be a source of help. Family members or friends of people suffering from mental illnesses can go to our advice page if they don't know what to do. We also listed down suicide hotlines from different Asian countries.




Suicide is a very touchy subject for most people. It doesn't help that in most Asian cultures, mental health is highly stigmatized. 


Although this issue may vary among countries - Asia is the largest continent in the world after all - it is nonetheless an important one. Most of the suicide deaths in the world are from Asian countries , yet these issues receive generally less attention than in Western countries.


Asia is a hugely diverse continent with different religions, cultures, economic statuses, and other factors that may affect each countries' suicide rates. But one common trait almost every Asian culture share is their strong family values . Children are taught that their family is a major source of their identity, so bringing dishonour upon one's family is highly discouraged. 


In a survey we posted to our year group, 50% of people agreed that one of the reasons why mental health is so taboo in Asia is because there is a constant pressure for Asians to be 'perfect', which includes not deviating from the norm mental health wise.


What would someone do if they lived in a society where having mental illnesses disgraces their family? They wouldn't dare open up about their problems, not if it brings shame and social disapproval.


(Disclaimer: some points are generalized and do not apply to every Asian person on the planet)




1. Beautrais AL. Suicide in Asia, Crisis, 2006, vol.272 (pg. 55-57) [Accessed 31 Jan. 2018]

2. Marcia Carteret, M. (2018). Cultural Values of Asian Patients and Families – Dimensions of Culture. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Jan. 2018].



Amelia, Ming Kie, and Melanie are three year 11 students from Taylor’s International School Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They initially created this website for their IGCSE Global Perspective group project, but this has developed into more than just a school project for them. Their aim is to promote the importance of mental health and to reduce the trivialisation of mental illnesses in (specifically) Asia.


Contact them here.

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